From R1800 pp / test
Infidelity Polygraph
Is your partner or spouse cheating? Know the truth. Don’t be tormented by uncertainty. Bring your concerns to us for a professional, confidential, and personalized polygraph examination of the person you suspect of being unfaithful in your relationship. All polygraph examinations are constructed around the client’s specific requests and adhere to strict confidentiality ensuring complete privacy. There is a strict limit of up to (4) pertinent test questions that may be established by the client for each polygraph examination (all other questions on the polygraph test are generic in nature and are established by the examiner for baseline purposes).
Following is a sample list of just some of the types of approved pertinent test questions that are frequently used for infidelity and relationship issue type polygraph examinations
- Since (SPECIFIC DATE), besides (SPECIFIC NAME), have you engaged in sexual intercourse with anyone else?
- Have you ever engaged in any type of sexual activity with (SPECIFIC NAME)?
- Since (SPECIFIC DATE), have you communicated in any way with (SPECIFIC NAME)?
- Have you ever utilized any pay-for-sex type service?
- Since (SPECIFIC DATE), have you met in-person with anyone from a dating website?
Terms & Conditions ,Test Fees & Cancellation Policy
CAPE TOWN (and radius of 50km from CBD): The standard flat rate all-inclusive polygraph test fee is R850 per test per person. Each test takes between 90 – 120 minutes.
Polygraph test R850 per test.
Travelling at R5.50pkm. The number of kilometres will be multiplied by 2 (travelling from Cape Town and back again).
In the cause where the examiner must book a flight, accommodation & car rental, this will be for the client’s account.
No more than 5 tests will be conducted per day. If the client has booked more that 5 tests, the remaining tests will be done the following day.
EFT is the only accepted method of payment. An immediate non-refundable deposit of 50% is required when scheduling an appointment for a polygraph test. The remaining balance must be paid before any test report/result will be supplied.
Cancellations received LESS than 48 hours prior to the actual polygraph appointment test date and time, no-shows, arriving late to the scheduled polygraph test appointment time or missed appointments for any reason incur the full R850 non-refundable test fee. Clients wishing to cancel their scheduled polygraph test must contact 082 323 8832 if cancelling more than 48 hours prior to the actual test date and time.
Due to the requirement of scheduling an examiner & digital polygraph system when scheduling a polygraph test appointment (which means no other individual or entity can make use of for the test slot scheduled and reserved by the client) the 48-hour cancellation policy is strictly enforced and still applies even for polygraph appointments that are scheduled immediately for the same or very next day which are then subsequently cancelled by the client and or examinee for any reason.
No further services and or consultations of any kind are included in the polygraph test fee following the conclusion of a polygraph test and the providing of the test results.